Ready, Steady, Girls Construct! Graduation
Congratulations to the girls from S3 of Lourdes Secondary School who graduated in the Ready, Steady, Girls Construct! Employability Programme. The programme was designed to introduce and attract female pupils in to the Construction Industry.
In partnership, Hub West Scotland and BAM Construction gained funding through Developing the Young Workforce Glasgow’s Opportunity Fund to develop and deliver a 10 week introductory programme. The programme was designed to give a group of S3 Secondary pupil’s access to industry talks and awareness raising sessions, practical demonstrations, site visits, training for an SVQ Level 1 qualification, introduction into employability skills and a real life work experience placement on site.
A huge thank you to all of our support partners who without their support the programme would not have been possible, BAM Construction, especially Claire Anderson, DYW and Lourdes Secondary School. We would also like to thank our support organisations, AVQ Management, Soundtex, Brown & Wallace, Community Solutions, Robertson FM, Holmes Miller, Curtins, Arco, Glasgow Clyde College and CBES.