Parkhead Hub
Community Consultation Website
hub West Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership are seeking your views.
We will be hosting a live chat event to allow the public to ask questions of the Project Team about the new North East Hub. Details of the proposed new health and social care hub proposed at Parkhead in Glasgow can be found on the website www.parkheadhub.scot.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Scottish Government guidance for major planning applications, this website will host a live, online consultation event on Thursday 27th August, 3pm – 8pm in place of the holding of public exhibitions which have been temporarily suspended. This will inform the planning application for the development of the site. Exhibition material, detailing the proposed development, has been uploaded on the website. A feedback form has been made available on the website and feedback can be provided from now until September 10th.