A brand new state-of the-art health and care centre in the heart of Glasgow City was opened last week to patients.
The new £20m Woodside Health & Care Centre represents a significant investment for the benefit of the local community it serves. A broad range of services will be provided from the new facility, including eight GP practices, children’s services, district nursing, health visiting, alcohol and drug recovery services, a day care centre for older people, a dental practice, as well as physiotherapy, podiatry and sexual health services.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Chairman, John Brown, said: “I’m delighted to see this new Centre open its doors to patients and service users.
“It’s the latest Health and Care Centre being opened in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area and again demonstrates our commitment to improving and modernising services.”
The new Centre has been delivered as a partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), Glasgow City Council and Development Partner Hub West Scotland and their main contractor, Morgan Sindall.
It has also benefited from expertise and funding provided by the Green Exercise Partnership, as well as being part of wider partnership work led by Scottish Canals aimed at enhancing the surrounding natural environment and promoting healthier lifestyles.
Susanne Millar, interim Chief Officer of Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “As well as transforming the standard of accommodation, this new facility will deliver more integrated health and social care services for the benefit of patients and service users.”
Iain Marley, CEO of Hub West Scotland said “This building is another fantastic example of our collaboration with Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and I am proud that we had the opportunity to lead the development of such high quality facilities.