Structural work completed on new £11 Million Stobhill Acute Mental Health Wards
Work on the two new Mental Health in-patient wards at Stobhill Hospital took a significant step forward today (Friday, 06 September) with the completion of the structural building work.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde chief executive Jane Grant performed the milestone topping out ceremony for the wards which are expected to open in summer 2020.
One of the wards will be dedicated to adult acute in-patient care with the other being geared towards older adults with functional Mental Health issues.
Services at Stobhill are already designed around the needs of patients by delivering excellent healthcare and these new wards will further speed up diagnosis and treatment.
The new wards have been planned and developed to further build on this success. They will enable greater flexibility across Mental Health services and deliver modern facilities for patients and staff.
Jane Grant said: “The new purpose built wards have been designed to be much more than a simple replacement of the existing facility.
“These new wards will provide acute inpatient mental health care, including an assessment and admission function, to a large part of our catchment area. They will play a key role in supporting the safe, effective and timely assessment of patients referred by community based mental health teams and other mental health professionals.
“They will play a big part in ensuring more patients receive a range of therapeutic interventions which are planned, co-ordinated and provided from a multidisciplinary and patient perspective, through comprehensive on-going assessment.
“Ultimately, one of our key aims is to provide a platform for social inclusion. Working towards rehabilitation, discharge and recovery will be the primary objective at all times in order to promote independence and self-reliance.”
Jacqueline Kerr, assistant chief officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), said: “This is another major milestone for delivering modern, state-of-the-art facilities for our Mental Health in-patients at Stobhill.
“The HSCP’s commitment to providing high standards of effective care in appropriate settings is clearly demonstrated by these two wonderful new wards
“This will see our patients staying in modern wards that are at the very forefront of modern Mental Health in-patient accommodation.”
Iain Marley, chief executive, hub West Scotland, added: “It’s fantastic to see this very important project reach this key milestone.
“We appreciate the significance of the investment and, thanks to the care taken during the design phase and hub West’s assurance of quality, we are confident that the new wards will significantly enhance the quality of facilities for patients.
“We are also proud that the project will further demonstrate our commitment to maximising benefits to local communities in the form of opportunities for local businesses and new jobs and apprenticeships.”