16 Church Street wins regeneration Project of the Year at the Scottish Property Awards
We are delighted that 16 Church Street won Town Centre Regeneration Project of the Year at the Scottish Property Awards.
This £15.5m project saw the renovation of the Grade A listed façade, linking it to a modern office extension. The investment provides a flexible, efficient and inspiring environment for collaborative working for Council staff and elected members; an accessible focal point for the delivery of Council services. Another important dimension is the role of the project as a catalyst for the regeneration of Dumbarton town centre.
Iain Marley, Chief Executive of hub West Scotland, added, “We are delighted that our work in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Council to deliver their new offices at 16 Church Street has been recognised at the Scottish Property Awards. It is richly deserved and fitting that this recognition is as Regeneration Project of the Year given the highly positive and transformational role that the development has and continues to play within Dumbarton. Our emphatic thanks go to the fantastic West Dunbartonshire client team and to our supply chain partners for their dedication, skill and enthusiasm all of which were needed to achieve the successful delivery of this outstanding facility”